What is a group of hedgehogs called?
Correct Answer!
A group of hedgehogs is generally referred to as an array. The term reflects their collection of spikes and adds a touch...
What are hedgehog quills made of?
Correct Answer!
Hedgehog quills are made primarily of keratin, the same protein that makes up human hair and nails, as well as the hooves,...
Who was the first English sailor to visit the Whitsunday Islands?
James Cook
Correct Answer!
Captain James Cook, an Englishman, and his crew became one of the earliest Europeans to set foot on the Whitsunday Islands...
Which Hollywood film was shot on Whitsunday Islands?
Fool's Gold
Correct Answer!
The Hollywood movie Fool's Gold was filmed in locations throughout Queensland, Australia, which include places like Hervey Bay, Cairns, Airlie Beach,...
Which mammal can be widely seen around the Whitsunday Islands?
Correct Answer!
Visitors to Whitsunday Beach can witness the wondrous sight of humpback whales from June to September, as the warm waters attract these...
Which of the following was a carnivorous dinosaur?
Correct Answer!StyracosaurusTriceratopsShow Answer!
Which two plants do not have moons?
Mercury, Venus
Correct Answer!Pluto, MercuryPluto, JupiterVenus, PlutoShow Answer!
The reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets causes a phenomenon called?
Correct Answer!
A rainbow is a seven-colored meteorological phenomenon that is seen in the sky after a shower of rain.PrecipitationIlluminationChoose an option above...
Color is a quality of light reflected off various objects. Each visible color is a different wavelength on what spectrum?
Electromagnetic spectrum
Correct Answer!
The electromagnetic spectrum includes the wavelengths of visible light, radio waves, X-rays, and more!Ultraviolet spectrumBernoulli's spectrumChoose an option above...